Here are some
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers about the

"Speed Copywriting Teleseminar Course "

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This is Cathy, one of Lorrie's assistants. We have gotten a ton of questions about my NEWEST Product the "Speed Copywriting Teleseminar  Course" and I know one thing that if one person has asked that question many others are wondering just the same thing. So, here are the questions and answers we have received since the launch of my product.


Is Lorrie actually teaching this material?


YES! You get the best of both worlds...not only do you get lecture of the best copywriting techniques on the planet on Mondays, but you also get a follow up each Friday after that call to speak to Lorrie yourself about YOUR business questions.

It's a high-touch (and rare) experience to get access to Lorrie without paying her typical $750 per hour rate. It's possible there will be other proteges who studied under Lorrie taking over in future classes. But at this stage, YOU get front line access to Lorrie!


Are the DVDs simply other marketers or are they also Lorrie teaching copy?


The DVDs are primarily Lorrie teaching her system. The bonus DVDs of the speakers are simply bonuses around other related topics to marketing and copywriting. Only John Carlton's 4 DVD set (which is amazing) teaches copy in addition to Lorrie's teaching DVDs.


Do the CDs follow the manual as a step-by-step system working together making note taking less necessary? Or do the CDs stand alone as additional information supporting and adding to the manual, but not in the same systematic order as the manual?


The CDs were recorded in sync with the entire workshop so they do match the manual. However the DVDs were recorded on a separate format. They also follow the manual but are edited differently. The manual is the center of all the training. Absorbing it depends on whether you prefer to take in information visually (manual), auditorily (CD), or both (DVD).


Are the CDs recorded in tracks or are they one long track where you have to start over at beginning in order to find out where you left off?


They are divided into distinct tracts. Lorrie had one of the best audio stylists in the business recording this event. He used to work for major recording studios and is a perfectionist.


I know the bonus copy writing software was made by someone else for their own system of writing as a stand alone product. Is it compatible and adaptable to using it with Lorrie's system?


It is an independent utility but fully integratable with Lorrie's system. She uses both tools all the time herself.


I am so interested in your Speed Copywriting Teleseminar  Course, but I purchased (and loved) *Red Hot Copy To Woo Your Target Market* a couple of months ago. Is there much overlap? Do I need this new course since I've taken the other one?


It's like this. Lorrie is proud of both products and both are strong.

Here it is in a nutshell though. She wrote *Red Hot Copy to Woo Your Target Market* in 2003 (updated annually). It's pretty basic stuff for more of the beginner.

But the *Speed Copywriting Teleseminar Course* is a culmination of EVERYTHING she's ever learned about copywriting and teaching copywriting. But you're completely spoon-fed the material in the way she wished she had learned copywriting so many years ago.

Her feeling is, there is not a MORE COMPREHENSIVE, STEP-BY-STEP copywriting instructional product on the market. She told me she doesn't say this from an ego perspective, but because she OWNS THEM ALL. So whether you a novice or advanced, she promises you this will be the best investment in your copywriting education you can make.  We hope you'll be a part of our next training!



Cathy Moody
Red Hot Copy Team

P.S. If you ever have any questions, remember to shoot them over to me at

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