Attention Small Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, and Copywriters who want to get inside the complex mind of the female consumer ...

The Next

"She Factor Copywriting Bootcamp"

Begins with the Preview Call on September 23, 2010


Introducing The New Rules In
Copywriting For Women...

"Marketing Is NOT Business
As Usual Anymore!"

I Know the Secrets, and I’M TELLING!!

From: Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero
Date: Wednesday 10:01 AM

Dear Savvy Business Owner,


Lorrie Red
Lorrie Morgan Ferrero
"The Copywriting Strategist"

I’m Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero of Red Hot Copy, and I’m known for my fun and easy methods to write relationship-building copy that appeals to women and heart-centered entrepreneurs…

I've been teaching copywriting from novices to experts online since 2003 until I retired my world-famous Copywriting Bootcamp in the summer of 2008. Why would I put to bed one of the most successful and helpful trainings available to entrepreneurs online today? Because I was teaching the Old School Marketing Methods that just don't work in TODAY’S VOLATILE MARKETPLACE. My Bootcamp needed an update!

It’s a whole new world out there with fast-changing technology and super savvy consumers. And if you haven’t noticed, the market to reach has changed too. It used to be that masculine, testosteronal driven marketing worked like gangbusters to sell, sell, sell. No more. That’s because it’s the WOMEN who make 85% of the buying decisions…across EVERY BRAND!

(Yes, even the ones you wouldn’t think of like sporting merchandise, motorcycles, SUVs, real estate, electronics, even handguns!) Women are leading the way with their wallets.

And women want to be treated differently! In fact they demand it or they simply go play in someone else’s sandbox.

I Started My Marketing Career By ACCIDENT!

A few short years ago I was fetching coffee for the CEO of a marketing firm. And I was miserable. (See, when my two sons were born I was a stay-at-home mom and loved it. We hung out together and did enriching things everyday…fingerpainting, museums, cooking family meals, etc.)

Then after getting divorced, I had to get a ‘real’ job and put my little guys in daycare. One day I got an epiphany that I NEEDED to be back home with my boys. I got remarried to the love of my life, and when my boss retired I just didn’t get another job. I was going to be an entrepreneur!

I Had the PASSION but No PLAN!

This decision did not go over very well with the new husband (and the stress in the house was unbearable.) As I struggled to learn how to eek out a living from home using that ‘new-fangled Internet’ I became a ravenous student of marketing. I went to seminars, read every book, bought every home study course… and put us into over $46,000 in debt in record time.

As I started to figure out how this whole copywriting business could be profitable, as a byproduct I became an expert in marketing. (Truthfully, you can’t have good marketing WITHOUT strong copy. See we are all really marketers and the DNA of marketing is powerful copy.)   

Today I run a wildly successful Internet marketing and copywriting firm. In fact;


      • Each year my business doubles or triples its income consistently;

      • My work style shifted from being a lone ranger to working with a staff of 5 amazing team members;

      • My family and I moved into a spacious 4-bedroom home with a gorgeous kidney-shaped pool;

      • We travel to exotic places like Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Hawaii, and Mexico to name a few;

      • My husband and I are closer than ever before because we live in JOY and HARMONY;

      • I get to share my sons’ developing philosophies of the world right from my home without begging for time off from the boss!

Ah, life is GOOD!

So How Did I Create So Much Time, Money, and Freedom in My Life?

I have to give you a bit more background to explain how things are so much different today than they were in 1999 when I left the corporate world.

It’s pretty simple really. I have a knack for connecting with people using marketing with built-in rapport.

See, I learned copywriting and marketing from the best of the best in the business. I studied Claude Hopkins (dead), John Caples (dead), Gene Schwartz (dead), David Ogilvy (dead), Rosser Reeves (dead), Gary Halbert (dead), Alex Mandossian (alive), Dan Kennedy (alive), and John Carlton (alive)...just to name a few.

Our personalities were very different. Maybe because I’m a woman…and maybe not. I’m not sure. I just know these dudes were all tough "men's men." They worked the trenches with hardcore, balls-to-the-wall copy. My goal was to write just like them…and they taught me. (In fact, side by side you'd be hard-pressed to recognize that I was a female at all.)

And you know what? I LOVED it! It was so direct and in-your-face. My copy stood up and spoke a language I personally never could. It was easier to hide behind the persona of the copy. Plus it sold like hotcakes! I started making more money, attracting more clients, and LOVING what I did.

But I realized Iwas different than the traditional guys. (Trust me, I didn’t WANT to be different…I simply am.) See, I just have a different way of connecting with people and building rapport (whether in regular life or in marketing.) My style breeds trust and authenticity.

Well guess what? That’s exactly how women like to be marketed to. It’s about the RELATIONSHIP, silly!

So even though I’ve been resisting being the spokeswoman in our industry for selling to women, I recognized I ALREADY AM DIFFERENT. I may as well embrace it!

And the more I stopped trying to be like anyone else and embraced my own marketing style, the faster my income grew!

Just Because I'm a WOMAN Doesn't Mean I Automatically Knew How To Market To Other Women!

I've had plenty of clients and students come to me in the past for my services BECAUSE I AM A WOMAN. The one thing they all had in common was they wanted to reach the female market. Funny thing is, women don't naturally know how to market to other women! Unless you know what you're doing women are just as likely as men to make mistakes with their coveted market.

So although I tended to write more like a man than a woman, over time I recognized I actually knew a ton about marketing to women. (Not because I AM one but because I’m an expert at building rapport!)

See I moved a lot growing up. That meant new neighborhoods, new schools, and new kids. I was painfully shy so I kept to myself. When I got to high school, I decided to “become popular” somehow.

But since I never was popular before, I didn’t have the first clue how to go about it. So I became a student of human psychology. I studied the behavior of the popular kids and started doing what they did!

I learned a huge part of their popularity came from BUILDING RAPPORT! So I became an expert at doing it quickly so people trusted and liked me right away. I became hyper tuned in to whoever I was talking with and made them feel like they were the most important person in the world. Those skills never left me! (By the way, the more I continued studying psychology the more I realized I had stumbled onto language and body patterns called Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP.)

So I Spent the Last Year Feverishly Researching, Testing and Tracking What Methods Work Best When Marketing to Women!

Here is what I now know…

There IS another way to market. It's entirely possible to weave the traditional PROVEN methods of marketing with the new rising consciousness of women and other consumers. And no matter how you look at it, how you write your COPY is more important than EVER if you want to attract the female market instead of repelling them!

Men and women make decisions very differently. Neither is right or wrong. When you try to reach men using techniques that work with women, you ALSO REACH THE MEN.

BUT, when you try to reach WOMEN with techniques designed for men – YOU COMPLETELY ALIENATE THE WOMEN! Interesting, eh? I'll tell you more about what I learned in a minute, but first....

Let's Bring this Back to YOU!

Regardless of your gender, there are subtle, but CRITICAL differences between how men and women make their buying decisions...differences that can mean losing or gaining massively more sales.

I remember wracking my brain last holiday season over what gift to get my husband (the man who has everything). I ended up dropping a huge wad of cash at the Harley Davidson motorcycle store (you know, the ultimate testosteronal boy toy).

Personally I don't have any interest in ever getting on a Harley myself (though plenty of women love them), I’m still a very good customer to them.

Why? Because not only do they have things that make my man happy, but they have cute clothes for women (seriously). Harley gets it! They know how to market to both men AND women.

And that’s the real trick, isn’t it? So many businesses ONLY market to men because they don’t see the bigger picture. Capiche? I'm here to tell you that can be a critical BLINDSPOT, causing you to hemorrage cash!

girlsNothing against you guys, but FEMALES are the driving force behind 85% of allbuying decisions. If you STILL don't consider the spending wallop women have on the economy, check out these stats...

          • American women spend about $5 trillion annually...

          • Women buy more online products and services than men...

          • Even though many households are dual paycheck, women still spend 80% of both COMBINED incomes…

          • Single women are also a significant buying category: According to a 2008 Vertis Communications Consumer Focus Study, in 1998, only 69% of women between 18 and 24 were involved in home electronics purchases. By 2008, that number had grown to 91%...

          • In 2006, 3.9 million more women lived alone than men…among this group, women were 9% more likely than men to own their homes…
          • 70% of all new businesses are opened by women.

With numbers like this, isn’t it time to focus on what SHE is interested in?

Let’s face the facts. Even if your product or service isn’t specifically designed for women, the ladies clearly have the purchasing power!

Wouldn't knowing WHAT TO SAY in your marketing to women (and how to present it) be useful to your business? Of course it would!


Introducing a Special 8-Week Teleseminar EVENT: "The She Factor Copywriting Bootcamp!"

Now more than ever, there's much more to marketing and communicating to WOMEN than meets the eye. And it pains me to see so many entrepreneurs make simple mistakes that are deadly to their profits. With that in mind, I've created an 8-week, hands-on teleseminar/webinar workshop using the latest findings in marketing and communication. It's called *The She Factor Copywriting Bootcamp*!

This training is destined to be ground-breaking for your business. You don’t have to wade through reams of unnecessary copy to be effective. Now you can write powerful short-form copy that appeals to the women of the world who are juggling career, family, and health everyday. They don’t have TIME to read all that copy. Just cut to the chase!

Let me show you ways to get your marketing message down to a sound byte you can duplicate in all of your copy so you effortlessly explain what you do and how you can help. In this class, you’ll learn:

  • How to write using a formula that is effortless and easy (I confess. I follow a specific blueprint that has gotten my copy in the limelight in a relatively short period of time and I’m going to hand it all over to YOU);
  • How beginners are able to compete with experts on a level playing field right away (when you have the right tools at your fingertips, it’s idiot-proof);
  • How one small change to your sales letter can send your shopping cart into overdrive with new orders (better be sure you have called your merchant account before you launch your copy because you’re about to get a SPIKE in sales - it just happened to me again);
  • How to get a repeatable result when you follow my method for writing a sales letter (I boiled the volumes of information overkill on this topic into the best of the best techniques you can apply right away);
  • The truth behind what makes your copy “okay” versus what makes it sell like hotcakes to your target market (you may be shocked by some of the ugly secrets I’m giving up. I’ve seen it all, and I’m telling!)

Class Topics and Schedule

Dates for “The She Factor Copywriting Bootcamp” are on Wednesdays at 10amp Pacific/1pm Eastern. Though I certainly don’t plan to change any of the dates, sometimes unforeseen circumstances can pop up. If there is ever a need for an adjustment, I will do my best to give at least 24 hours notice.

Sept 23 (Free Preview Call
“How to Successfully Market to Women” The 5 Factors to Making Much More Money WITHOUT Spending More on Marketing!)
Sept 30
“Gender Benders: Masculine Versus Feminine Copy”

 In this class you will learn:

  • Myths about marketing to women and how to conquer them - (psst! even women sometimes fall into these traps);
  • How to avoid sounding like a used car salesman in your copy - (there is a place for hype-filled copy but not with women);
  • The avoidable mistake so many marketers make when trying to appeal to the female market - (hint: If your copy is TOO SOFT you won’t get attention);
  • The secret ‘girl’ code all women know when they trust their intuition -  (but seldom speak about out loud…even to each other);
  • The marketing taboos that make her click away in seconds flat - (if you wanna lose her, this is how you do it)
Oct 7
“You Talkin' to ME? Insider Secrets to Research and Target Marketing”

In this class you will learn:

    • What background materials you must have before you write a single word of copy - (sadly most copywriters I know don’t spend enough time in this phase);
    • The hush-hush resources you can use to learn more about her - (she’ll think you’re practically reading her mind);
    • Exactly where to go to spy on your competition - (and why you MUST not ignore this step);
    • How to get your copy to sound natural and conversational so she feels she knows you - (trust is a huge value for women you must not underestimate);
    • Ways to get her to dish about what she really wants to spend her money on - (when you understand her spending priorities you can make more sales)
Oct 14
“Step-by-Step Formula for Connecting with Her Desires”

In this class you will learn:

    • The real difference between a FEATURE and a BENEFIT – (this extremely common mistake turns your copy into a snooze-fest);  
    • My proven formula to turning phrases into benefit-driven statements that attract attention - (women buy based on how we believe a product will make us FEEL);
    • The use of psychological hot buttons and mental gymnastics that hypnotize her into buying - (your copy will practically put her in a trance);
    • How to anticipate her objections BEFORE she reads a word of your copy – (she’s already looking for reasons NOT to buy from you so be sure you understand her thinking);
    • Which EMOTIONAL WORDS entice women to buy from you – while NOT “selling” them (I’ll share my private checklist with you)
Oct 21
“The No-Fail Recipe for Head-Turning Bullets”

In this class you will learn:

    • The easy way to create bullets you can use in multiple media - (write ‘em once and use ‘em in web copy, audio scripts, postcards, flyers…you name it);
    • Ways to get her to trust you without stooping to hype and exaggeration - (blow the trust factor and she’s gone forever);
    • How "blind bullets" pack an extra wallop, create curiosity and entice her to buy – (this is an advanced technique but I make it easy for even beginners to use it);
    • How to remind her of the benefits she’ll get from using your product or service - (often she’ll focus on the bullets alone to make her buying decision);
    • How making the right choices of punctuation and formatting bullets dramatically impact your copy - (with women, at least 25% of your copy’s success depends on formatting)
Oct 28
“The Nuts and Bolts of How to Make Your Offer Irresistible”

In this class you will learn:

    • How to get the maximum (ethical) price for whatever it is you are selling – (it’s very possible you’re UNDERCHARGING);
    • Which psychological hot buttons and mental gymnastics practically hypnotize her into buying - (she won’t be able to get your message out of her head);
    • When to NEVER ask for the order (yet I see people who should know better do it all the time);
    • The biggest mistake entrepreneurs make to LOSE THE ORDER – (the sales process isn’t over until money changes hands and the product is delivered);
    • An easy technique that makes her feel good about being in the decision-making driver’s seat – (all too often women feel strong-armed and end up leaving without placing an order)   
Nov 4
Nov 11
“The Art of Natural Storytelling: Adding the “You” to Your Copy!”

In this class you will learn:

    • How to use storytelling to really bring FEATURES and BENEFITS to life – (People automatically put themselves in the story so they’re already ‘testing’ your product when you use the story device);
    • How to LOWER SALES RESISTANCE and separate yourself from any other business in your marketplace - (women buy from those they bond with);
    • How to get original ideas for your stories – (all stories are NOT equal);
    • Tricks to sharing powerful, relevant stories that grab her interest - (there is an art to telling engaging stories that pull her into your copy);
    • My copywriting trick to infusing personality in your marketing – (most copywriters have no idea how to even do this)
Nov 18
“Magnetic Headlines that Pull Her In and Keep Her There”

Arguably the most important combo of words in your copy, wouldn’t you agree? 

But they don’t happen by accident! Relax. With “The She Factor Copywriting Bootcamp it’s all under control…You don’t need to be a writer to write great headlines when you understand the basics.

In this class you will learn:

    • Which words grab her attention in headlines – (and which to avoid at all costs);
    • Headline templates for busy people to create no-brainer headlines that get her reading – (no more struggling for the perfect headline);
    • Which fonts and colors are the most compelling to women and which REPEL her - (women respond much more visually to websites so you better know what she likes);
    • My little insider secret that will have you writing captivating headlines in no time – (buckle up and hold on tight cuz you’re about to be a headline ninja!);
    • Which headlines are more effective for your market – SHORT ONES or LONG ONES – (again, I’ll share my personal checklist with you)
Dec 2

“Putting It All Together! Listen, Watch, Cut Years Off Your Learning Curve!”

Here’s where the magic happens! Watch live as I deconstruct Old School copy and turn it into copy that speaks her language. This one-of-a-kind webinar is where you see it all come together. This class alone is worth the price of admission!


 "Okay, I'm Convinced, Lorrie! How Much?"

I am so passionate about sharing this knowledge, I’m offering access for a ridiculously reasonable fee. For you to join us you pay only $997 or 3 payments of $375 (30 days apart.)

But the truth is, I wanted this to be a complete NO-BRAINER. Even though I personally believe we live in a time of great abundance, I recognize a lot of businesses are feeling the 'fear of a recession.' You can't grow a business from a place of fear. I see a lot of people struggling when they really don't have to be. My strongest belief is when you choose to EXPAND and INVEST in yourself, that is when you'll see the fruits of your labor.

So when you make your decision to learn tactics that will truly HELP your business reach more people and make a difference, you pay just $997.00! I'm sure you'll agree that's a small sum to pay for this exclusive information on copywriting to women.

Hot Deal

YES! I definitely plan to join you for "The She Factor Copywriting Bootcamp!" I recognize changes in the traditional marketing models are on the horizon, and I trust the expertise of you and your speakers to share CUTTING EDGE INFORMATION and ACTIONS STEPS with me at this exclusive event. It’s time for both men and women to reach out to this market in more responsive ways. I can't believe I pay only $997.00!

GUARANTEEDI understand I have until the end of the second class to request a full refund, but I'm sure I'll be getting so much value I wouldn't even dream of wanting one! All product refund requests will be processed within 30 days upon approval of submission or receipt of returned product!

Join The She Factor
Copywriting Bootcamp


Click Here
To Be Announced

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To Be Announced

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To Be Announced


Lorrie Signature

Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero 

P.S. I've had some past fans I'd like to share with you...

"If you have people coming to your Website, Copywriting is the number 1 thing that is going to stop them and catch their attention!" See what Kristi Frank from Donald Trump's Season One of "The Apprectice" has to say about "The She Factor Copywriting Bootcamp".

-- Kristi Frank,

“Lorrie flatters me, often, by saying I helped her launch her career... but to be fair, my part was more like simply lighting the fuse on a rocket ready to go. She came out of nowhere, and quickly became the most widely-known and respected female copywriters around -- working with Dan Kennedy, Gary Halbert, Joe Polish, and other top marketers. She brings a super-savvy female perspective to copywriting, as well as showing up most of the guys who have been in the freelance gig much longer than her. As a professional, she comes with the highest recommendation possible.”

--John Carlton,

“If you become *good* at writing decent copy you can make a small fortune -- and that's no exaggeration. My good friend, Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero is one of the most UNDERRATED copywriters (and best copywriting TEACHERS) on the entire Internet. If you’re looking for someone to break down the mastery of copywriting into an easy-to-follow, step-by-step process, you should check Lorrie out.”

--John Reese,

I’d like to credit Lorrie with helping me earn $7,674 in 72 hours. And tens of thousands of dollars since then using copywriting techniques she taught me. You know how sometimes you learn something you didn’t even know you needed to know? That’s what learning copywriting from Lorrie is like. I work with independent professionals and entrepreneurs everyday and I’d say the single biggest reason their incomes aren’t higher is bad copy.”

--Michael Port,


"Copywriting is the MOST EXPENSIVE skill you can outsource because it's good copy that sells products. It's good copy that sells services. It's good copy that sells ANYTHING. As a copywriter in my 'past life,' I made hundreds of thousands of dollars writing copy that sells, and I'm telling you Lorrie will show you the exact same strategies I used for my clients! You'll save thousands of dollars over hiring a pro to write your copy for you, and copywriting is a skill that will help make you money for LIFE."

-- Alexandria Brown, the Ezine Queen,

Ileana Kane

"Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero is more than a masterful copywriter. She is
a  thought pioneer and global visionary for companies who market to women.

Her unique ability to get into the female mind coupled with the masterful
way she captures their hearts culminates into powerful marketing copy designed to cultivate long term relationships with the female consumer.

Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero is the definitive answer to successfully marketing to

I highly recommend Lorrie if you want to dramatically increase your revenues and profits while cultivating long term relationships with your female consumer.  Avoid using her at your own peril!

-- Ileana Kane,“The Million Dollar Muse”,


"I just received Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero's "Speed Copywriting Workshop" in the mail and after only one day of watching the DVDs (I still have six or seven to go - SO much valuable content!) I can honestly say that this is going to be one of the most valuable tools in my resource library!

Lorrie breaks down her speed copywriting steps into easy-to-use and easy-to-understand pieces (or should I say chicken chunks?) and it makes writing copy so simple!  Never before has copywriting seemed easy to me - it was always that big, ugly project that I never wanted to take on.  Now, I feel like I have the backing to take these types of projects head on and produce results!

As a virtual assistant, I am also very excited to be able to bring this new skill to my client's businesses.  Lorrie has made it SO easy to become GREAT at copywriting and I am excited to see where this takes me in both my business and in the businesses of my clients."

-- Erin Blaskie, Business Services, ETC,

Click here to listen

The Red Hot Copy Speed Copywriting Teleseminar Course was exactly what I needed. It gave me the tools to write my own promotional materials and find my target market niche. Lorrie is easy to understand teacher and she gives real examples. I've come out of the course with a strong sales letter and my own "about me" story. It's a valuable program for anyone wanting to understand how to craft a sales letter.

-- Elizabeth Ruiz, Direct marketing Rx,  

"I've made over $19,000 from the copywriting skills Lorrie taught me. Lorrie, no one I know in the industry teaches the principles and techniques of kick-ass, get 'em-to-buy copywriting as well as you do. I went from a fumbling and confused wanna be marketer to an unstoppable marketing maverick because you showed me step-by-step how to write words that persuade and sell. And I never thought of myself as a "sales" person - I have an art background. But you're special in that way because you understand what it's like to be a heart-based person and you are so gifted at showing people like us how to win in the internet marketing game. Thank you so much Lorrie because FINALLY there's someone teaching copy with a down-to-earth, sensitive approach!"

James Roche,

"This was AWESOME! I can hardly wait to build my online business with your help. You're up there with Kennedy, Carlton, Halbert, etc! So CHARGE MORE! You're worth it!"

LouAnn Savage,

"It was amazing! I actually didn't want it to end! The coaches were phenomenal. They all bring different skills and genres to the table. Lorrie is SO generous with her time and knowledge."

Michele Hunter,

"Excellent and brilliant! Blueprint, sales letter, tarket, chicken chunks, SPEED copywriting - I love it! You released me to write bad headlines until they got good. I also learned about writing personal copy. Thank you!!"

Ann Convery,

"I will just get my not so perfect copy out instead of letting it sit and stress me out. You have given me a reference for the power of acting on your ideas - having the courage to throw down the gauntlet and striking out to do your own thing. Thank you!"

George Franco,

"In the course of a lifetime - if you're lucky - you run into a few great teachers and mentors. Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero hits the mark in the copywriting arena. Whether you're a novice or seasoned pro, the information and guidance that Lorrie shares on copywriting and marketing is not just invaluable, but extraordinarily generous.

Best of all, Lorrie teaches in a way that puts everyone on par. She is amazingly gracious, positive and supportive. And the students in her classes respond to Lorrie and each other in just that way. There is no pretense or posturing here - just teaching and learning at its best. Thanks Lorrie!"

Phyllis Schwartz, Copywriter

"Hi Lorrie, What can I say but, "Where have you been all my life? Having started out as a college professor, I have been trying for years to transform my boring academic writing into captivating prose. And it was a slow process until you came along!

After taking your copy writing class all my writing has improved. I have a more engaging style, a clearer call to action, and most importantly better results! Total strangers are now signing up for my newsletters, eclasses, etc. And I also found I have a knack for writing titles.

In my last marketing teleclass my classmates were literally clamoring for my help with their titles. Besides being so helpful to me--you are just, simply the best copy writer I've ever encountered (and I have read some of the best). Reading your stuff is like landing in colorful Oz after having lived in black and white Kansas. Thank you so much! "

Dr. Lauren Outland,

"Lorrie, you're great. And that's official! Your simple straight forward formula and process for creating compelling copy rocks. I now feel fully confident to tackle the job of writing my own sales letters. In fact Lorrie has made copywriting so fascinating I've already crafted a letter. I'll be sending it straight to George Bush and Tony Blair, recommending that copywriting be put on the list of controlled substances! That's how addictive copywriting is. I'm now hooked good and proper. Lorrie, thank you also for your impromptu sales letter critique. Totally blown away and have already built in all your recommendations."

Loz Wilson www. lozwilson .com

"Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero has changed my life! Not only have I learned tons about how to write attention-grabbing copy, my energy level when I sit down to write even a simple e-mail just skyrockets! Lorrie's style of teaching is smooth, simple to understand and takes the student through a method of learning that reminds me of a float trip down a river - constantly forward, occasionally challenging and always wet, wild and fun! Just go with it!"

Steve Majors,

"Lorrie teaches you a SYSTEM for writing copy - nobody else I have ever studied under gave me a system I could follow and be successful with every time I write sales copy. Lorrie's teaching style is very interactive, while being very instructional."

Diane Conklin

"I'm a professional copywriter and I have to tell you that Lorrie's Red Hot Copy Bootcamp improved my copywriting more quickly and dramatically than anything I've ever done (and I've done lots!). My confidence level shot off the charts. Not only that, but Lorrie's an amazingly generous spirit: just when you think you got what you expected, she gives and gives and gives some more. Lorrie: you inspire me!"

Maggie Dennison,

"As an entrepreneur I couldn't care less about copywriting.  But I do want to know how to increase my sales.  I had achieved a high level of traffic visiting my website, but I wasn't making the sales I needed to survive.  It became clear to me that I wasn't meeting the needs of those potential customers.  What I said on the site and how I said it wasn't capturing their attention. 

What's refreshing about Lorrie's material is that the content is extensive, thorough, and extremely adaptable.  It's easy to modify her examples to fit your own copy. Her step by step process made it easy for me to learn the methods and apply them to my own site. When I applied her methods to the sites I use for my Google campaigns, my conversion rates increased immediately.  Next, I began to see product inquiries reach all time records.

And when I wrote my sales letters, suddenly I went from making the occasional sale to gaining new customers every day of the week."

James P. McMahon, Ecologist,

Join The She Factor
Copywriting Bootcamp


Click Here
One Full Payment of $997

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2 Payments of $548.35

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3 Payments of $382.19

Red Hot Copy
  |   16141 Cohasset St.   |   Van Nuys, California   |   USA    
Tel/Fax: 1-877-293-8311   |   Contact Us: